AES Competitive Operations Grants

Purpose: The AES Competitive Operations Awards are funded through AES state operations and are intended to further the mission of ACES and the AES by expanding collaborative research that benefits the citizens of New Mexico. These awards will strengthen the college's research enterprise through the development of teams with the potential to address complex scientific issues. These awards are designed to foster multi-departmental collaboration and enhance interdisciplinary research efforts in one or more of the ACES 4 pillars for Economic and Community Development (Food and Fiber Production and Marketing, Water Use and Conservation, Family Development and Health of New Mexicans, and Environmental Stewardship) and may include research efforts in the foundational education and training needs required to build economic and community development. Awarded proposals will be innovative and creative in nature and will have sufficient intellectual merit to justify funding. Proposals are especially encouraged that address the needs of New Mexico stakeholders and also have the potential for broader regional, national or global impacts, and proposals that incorporate the development or assessment of new innovations and technologies.

Application Process: Funds should be requested directly through the AES Director's Office. Email Dr. Leslie Edgar ( with a copy to Brooke Boren ( and Claire Montoya ( 

Request should include: 

  1. Pl name(s), department(s), email address(es).
  2. Research Project Description or Proposed Area of Research (3 pages maximum, excluding references). State the pillar(s) you will be addressing and provide a justification statement that includes the potential impacts of the work. Be sure to address the required criteria stated above. Proposals should clearly indicate the potential for the research to advance knowledge and understanding within and across disciplines in a manner that is essential for solving complex issues relative to the needs of New Mexico stakeholders.
  3. Budget details 
  4. Include a description of how these funds will be used to leverage additional funding 

2021-2022 AES Competitive Operations Grants Awarded

  • Understanding the Role of the Microbial Metabolite Acetate on Intestinal Permeability and Immune Response in Young Dairy Calves
    PI: Vinicius Gouvea
    Co-PIs & Collaborators: Robert Hagevoort, Fernanda Batistel, Glenn Duff
  • Water Use Efficiency, Nitrogen Dynamics, and Yield Potential of Edible Dry Beans and Guar in a Traditional Winter Wheat Cropping System
    PI: Murali Darapuneni
    Co-PIs & Collaborators: Koffi Djaman, Omololu J. Idowu, Leonard Lauriault
  • The Future of Farming in an Increasingly Arid New Mexico: A Water Demand-Reduction Protocol that Supports Farmer Transitions to Resilient High-Value Crops and Water Management
    PI: Kevin Lombard
    Co-PIs & Collaborators: Steven Guldan, Robert Heyduck, Ivette Guzman, Jay M. Lillywhite, Constance M. Maxwell

2020-2021 AES Competitive Operations Grants Awarded

2019-2020 AES Competitive Operations Grants Awarded